300+ Bungalow Names in Marathi with Meaning

Bungalow Names in Marathi
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Bungalow Names in Marathi

Bungalow Names in Marathi
Bungalow Names in Marathi

Introducing “Bungalow Names in Marathi” – a blog dedicated to exploring unique and captivating names for bungalows in the beautiful Marathi language.


If you’re building or purchasing a bungalow and want it to have a distinct identity, this blog is your go-to resource.

Bungalow names starting with "A" in Marathi

Here are 20 Marathi bungalow names starting with “A” along with their meanings:

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1. आदित्य (Āditya) – Sun
2. आरोग्य (Ārogya) – Health
3. अनंत (Ananta) – Infinite
4. आशियाना (Āshiyanā) – Nest
5. अनुभव (Anubhava) – Experience
6. अमराई (Amarāī) – Garden
7. अभिनव (Abhinava) – Unique
8. अंतरिक्ष (Antariksha) – Space
9. अंतःकरण (Antahkaraṇa) – Inner self
10. अभिरुचि (Abhiruchi) – Taste, liking
11. आयुष्य (Āyuṣya) – Life
12. आराम (Ārāma) – Comfort
13. आकार (Ākāra) – Shape, form
14. अमर (Amar) – Immortal
15. आदर्श (Ādarśa) – Ideal
16. अग्रज (Agraja) – Leader, pioneer
17. अनंतर (Anantara) – Endless
18. अविरत (Avirata) – Eternal
19. आनंद (Ānanda) – Bliss, joy
20. आत्मिका (Ātmikā) – Soulful

Bungalow names starting with "B" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “B” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

1. बागीश (Bāgīsha) – Lord of the Garden
2. बागमती (Bāgamatī) – River of the Garden
3. बाहुबल (Bāhubala) – Mighty Arm
4. बांधव (Bāndhava) – Friend
5. बांधवी (Bāndhavī) – Friendly
6. बाळकृष्ण (Bāḷakṛṣṇa) – Young Krishna
7. बाळाजी (Bāḷājī) – Young Lord
8. बाळासुब्रह्मण्य (Bāḷāsubrahmaṇya) – Young Subrahmanya
9. बापपुरुष (Bāpapuruṣa) – Fatherly Figure
10. बाळगणपती (Bāḷagaṇapati) – Young Ganapati
11. बापट्टी (Bāpaṭṭī) – Father’s Pride
12. बाळकृषी (Bāḷakṛṣī) – Young Farmer
13. बाळशास्त्री (Bāḷaśāstrī) – Young Scholar
14. बाहुबली (Bāhubalī) – Mighty Shoulders
15. बाळमाणस (Bāḷamāṇasa) – Young Mind
16. बाळराजा (Bāḷarājā) – Young King
17. बाळकुण्डली (Bāḷakuṇḍalī) – Young Beauty
18. बालहंस (Bālahansa) – Young Swan
19. बाळदेव (Bāḷadeva) – Young God
20. बाळाजीवन (Bāḷājīvana) – Young Life

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Bungalow names starting with "C" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “C” in Marathi along with their meanings:

1. Chaitanya Niwas (चैतन्य निवास) – Abode of consciousness
2. Chandra Bhavan (चंद्र भवन) – Moon mansion
3. Chandan Vihar (चंदन विहार) – Sandalwood abode
4. Charanraj Residency (चरणराज रेसिडेंसी) – Residency of the divine feet
5. Chintan Mahal (चिंतन महल) – Palace of contemplation
6. Chitrakoot Manor (चित्रकूट मॅनर) – Manor of picturesque beauty
7. Chitrangada Villa (चित्रांगदा विला) – Villa named after a legendary princess
8. Chitrasparsha Nivas (चित्रस्पर्श निवास) – Abode of artistic touch
9. Chitravati Kunj (चित्रवती कुंज) – Grove of beautiful paintings
10. Chitravenu Cottage (चित्रवेणु कॉटेज) – Cottage named after a musical instrument
11. Chittaranjan Abode (चित्तरंजन आवास) – Abode of joy
12. Chitrakala Retreat (चित्रकला रिट्रीट) – Retreat of fine arts
13. Chidakash Villa (चिदाकाश विला) – Villa in the realm of consciousness
14. Chintamani Bungalow (चिंतामणी बंगलो) – Bungalow of wish-fulfillment
15. Chitrabhanu Estate (चित्रभानु एस्टेट) – Estate named after the sun
16. Chaitra Sampada (चैत्र संपदा) – Prosperity of the month of Chaitra
17. Chitrakanya Kutir (चित्रकन्या कुटीर) – Cottage named after a mythical maiden
18. Chidvilas Mansion (चिद्विलास मॅन्शन) – Mansion of divine bliss
19. Chittapavan Vatika (चित्तपावन वाटिका) – Sacred garden of pure minds
20. Chirantan Palace (चिरंतन पॅलेस) – Eternal palace

Bungalow names starting with "D" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “D” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

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1. Dnyanadhar: “Holder of Knowledge”
2. Dhananjay: “One who wins wealth”
3. Devadhidev: “God of Gods”
4. Dattakrupa: “Blessing of Lord Datta”
5. Divyadarshan: “Divine Vision”
6. Dhanavruksha: “Tree of Wealth”
7. Drushtilabh: “Gained Insight”
8. Dakshinayan: “Southern Path”
9. Dnyanprakash: “Light of Knowledge”
10. Daulatwadi: “Abode of Wealth”
11. Darshanmay: “Full of Blessings”
12. Dhanvantari: “God of Medicine”
13. Dnyaneshwar: “God of Knowledge”
14. Dharmanand: “Bliss of Dharma”
15. Dristiya: “Visible”
16. Dhanlaxmi: “Goddess of Wealth”
17. Dyanand: “Bliss of Meditation”
18. Dattaprasad: “Blessing of Lord Datta”
19. Durlabh: “Rare and Precious”
20. Dnyaneshwari: “The Essence of Knowledge.

Bungalow names starting with "E" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “E” in Marathi, along with their meanings written in Marathi:

1. एकांत (Ekant) – Solitude
2. एकवीर (Ekveer) – Lone warrior
3. एकाचा निवास (Ekacha Nivas) – Abode of unity
4. एकांगी (Ekangi) – Alone
5. एकोविचार (Ekovichar) – Singular thought
6. एकतारा (Ekatara) – Lone star
7. एकवीरी (Ekveri) – Brave one
8. एकांश (Ekansh) – Exclusive
9. एकोहर (Ekohar) – One voice
10. एकचित्र (Ekachitra) – Unique picture
11. एकविश्वास (Ekavishwas) – Absolute trust
12. एकोमुख (Ekomukh) – One-sided
13. एकगुण (Ekgun) – Single quality
14. एकनिधी (Ekanidhi) – Sole treasure
15. एकसौभाग्य (Ekasaubhagya) – Singular fortune
16. एकप्रिय (Ekapriya) – One beloved
17. एकानंद (Ekanand) – Eternal bliss
18. एकजन्म (Ekajanma) – One birth
19. एकरूप (Ekarup) – One form
20. एकसाधना (Ekasadhana) – Sole practice

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Bungalow names starting with "F" in Marathi

Here are 20 Marathi bungalow names starting with the letter “F,” along with their meanings, written in Marathi:

1. फुलराणी (Phularani) – Queen of Flowers
2. फुलकमणी (Phulakamani) – Jewel of Flowers
3. फुलवंती (Phulavanti) – Beautiful like a Flower
4. फुलोदिता (Phulodita) – Blossomed like a Flower
5. फुलमयी (Phulamayi) – Full of Flowers
6. फुलसाराव (Phulsarav) – Flowing with Flowers
7. फुलदृष्टि (Phuladrushti) – Eyes like Flowers
8. फुलवादा (Phulavada) – Abode of Flowers
9. फुलोचित्रा (Phulochitra) – Picture of Flowers
10. फुलमग्न (Phulamagna) – Immersed in Flowers
11. फुलवंत (Phulavanta) – Enveloped in Flowers
12. फुलरंग (Phularanga) – Colorful like Flowers
13. फुलचंदन (Phulachandan) – Sandalwood of Flowers
14. फुलचण्डी (Phulachandi) – Energetic like Flowers
15. फुलधारी (Phuladhari) – Holder of Flowers
16. फुलशोभा (Phulashobha) – Splendor of Flowers
17. फुलजगार (Phulajagar) – Adorned with Flowers
18. फुलभरी (Phulabhari) – Abundant with Flowers
19. फुलसौरभ (Phulsaurabh) – Fragrance of Flowers
20. फुलवेदना (Phulavedana) – Sentiments of Flowers

Bungalow names starting with "G" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “G” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

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1. गायत्री निवास (Gayatri Nivas) – Home of Gayatri (a sacred Vedic mantra)
2. गगनचंदन (Gaganachandan) – Sandalwood of the Sky
3. गणेशविलास (Ganeshvilas) – Abode of Lord Ganesh
4. गौरीदास (Gauridas) – Servant of Goddess Gauri
5. गोविंद निवास (Govind Nivas) – Residence of Lord Govind
6. ग्रहालय (Grahalya) – Celestial Abode
7. गरुडध्वज (Garuddhwaj) – Banner of Lord Vishnu
8. गोडावरी गृह (Godavari Gruha) – House on the Godavari River
9. गंगाजल (Gangajal) – Holy Water of the Ganges
10. गौरीशंकर (Gaurishankar) – Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
11. गुलाब बाग (Gulab Bagh) – Rose Garden
12. गणेशगृह (Ganeshagruha) – Home of Lord Ganesh
13. गंगाधर निवास (Gangadhar Nivas) – Abode of Lord Shiva (Bearer of Ganga)
14. गौरवगृह (Gauravgriha) – House of Pride
15. गगनभूषण (Gaganabhushan) – Adornment of the Sky
16. गोपाळगृह (Gopalgriha) – Residence of Lord Krishna
17. गौरी बंगला (Gauri Bangla) – Gauri’s Bungalow
18. गणेश परिवार (Ganesh Parivar) – Family of Lord Ganesh
19. गंगाधर बंगला (Gangadhar Bangla) – Gangadhar’s Bungalow (Lord Shiva)
20. ग्रीष्मावसान (Grishmavasan) – Summer Residence

Bungalow names starting with "H" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “H” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

1. हरितांबरी (Haritambari) – एका प्रकारची वृक्षाची शाखा (A type of tree branch)
2. हेमांचल (Hemanchal) – लाल रंगाच्या पहाट्याचे गिर्जाघर (A temple with red morning rays)
3. हरितसुमन (Haritasuman) – प्रकृतीतील हरित फुलांचा एकाच पुष्प (A collection of green flowers)
4. हर्षगृह (Harshagruha) – आनंदाचा गृह (A house of joy)
5. हिरवद्रुम (Hiravdrum) – एका रंगाच्या पानाच्या वृक्षाचे गिर्जाघर (A temple of green leafy tree)
6. ह्रदयांगन (Hradayangan) – मनाची स्वतःची गर्भगृह (The inner chamber of the heart)
7. हर्षविलास (Harshavilas) – आनंदाचे विलासगृह (A palace of happiness)
8. हरितनिवास (Haritnivas) – हरित रंगांचा निवास (Residence of green color)
9. हिरवद्यार (Hiravdyar) – हिरवी रंगाच्या पानांचा उद्यान (A garden of green leaves)
10. हेमपुष्प (Hemapushpa) – लाल रंगाचे पुष्प (A red flower)
11. हरिमंदिर (Harimandir) – हरित रंगाचा मंदिर (A temple of green color)
12. हरितारण्य (Haritaranya) – हरित रंगाचा जंगल (A forest of green color)
13. हिरवीगृह (Hiravigruha) – हिरव्या रंगाचे गृह (A house of green color)
14. हारिप्रिया (Haripriya) – हरित रंगांची प्रिया (Beloved of green color)
15. हिरवीदिल (Hiravidil) – हिरव्या रंगाचं हृदय

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16. हेमप्रकाश (Hemaprakash) – लाल रंगाचा प्रकाश (Red light)
17. हरितपालक (Haritpalak) – हरित रंगांचा पालक (Guardian of green color)
18. हिरवीमंदिर (Hiravimandir) – हिरव्या रंगाचा मंदिर (A temple of green color)
19. हर्षहारा (Harshahara) – आनंदाचा वाहन (A chariot of joy)
20. हिरवीनगरी (Hiravinagari) – हिरव्या रंगाच्या नगरी (A city of green color)

Bungalow names starting with "I" in Marathi

Here are 20 Marathi bungalow names starting with “I” along with their meanings:

1. ईश्वर (Īśvara) – God
2. इंद्रधनुष्य (Indradhanushya) – Rainbow
3. इणाम (Iṇāma) – Reward
4. इतकेने (Itakēnē) – Tranquil
5. इंद्राणी (Indrāṇī) – Wife of Lord Indra
6. इजाजत (Ijājata) – Permission
7. इंग्रज (Ingraja) – England
8. ईरावती (Īrāvatī) – Name of a River
9. ईशान (Īśāna) – Lord Shiva
10. इंदुलेखा (Indulēkhā) – Moonbeam
11. इरवी (Iravī) – Evening
12. इष्ट (Iṣṭa) – Desired
13. इंद्रनील (Indranīla) – Sapphire
14. ईश्वरदत्त (Īśvardatta) – Gift from God
15. इच्छा (Icchā) – Desire
16. इंद्रजीत (Indrajīta) – Conqueror of Indra
17. इष्टार (Iṣṭāra) – Goddess
18. ईरावत (Īrāvata) – Elephant of Lord Indra
19. इजाज (Ijāja) – Grace
20. ईश्वरी (Īśvarī) – Goddess

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Bungalow names starting with "J" in Marathi

Here are 20 Marathi bungalow names starting with the letter “ज” (Ja) along with their meanings:

1. जगजीवन (Jagjivan) – Life of the world
2. जलधन (Jaldhan) – Wealth of water
3. जन्मसिद्ध (Janmasiddha) – Born accomplished
4. जीवनवृक्ष (Jeevanvrksha) – Tree of life
5. ज्ञानगिरी (Gnyanagiri) – Hill of knowledge
6. ज्योतिर्मय (Jyotirmay) – Full of light
7. जयमाला (Jayamala) – Garland of victory
8. जीवदान (Jeevadan) – Gift of life
9. जगदीश (Jagadish) – Lord of the universe
10. जयवंत (Jayvant) – Victorious
11. ज्ञानमुद्रा (Gnyanamudra) – Seal of knowledge
12. जलाशय (Jalashay) – Reservoir of water
13. जयकार (Jaykar) – Chant of victory
14. ज्योतीर्मयी (Jyotirmayi) – Full of light
15. जन्मभूमि (Janmabhoomi) – Birthplace
16. जलकुंभ (Jalakumbh) – Water pot
17. जीवनसंगी (Jeevansangi) – Life partner
18. ज्योतिशाला (Jyotishala) – Hall of light
19. जयस्तंभ (Jayastambh) – Pillar of victory
20. जगतीस्वर (Jagatiswar) – Lord of the world

Bungalow names starting with "K" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “K” in Marathi along with their meanings:

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1. कृती (Kriti) – Creation
2. कोहिनूर (Kohinoor) – Kohinoor Diamond
3. कल्पवृक्ष (Kalpavruksha) – Wish-fulfilling Tree
4. कविता (Kavita) – Poem
5. कोमल (Komala) – Soft, Delicate
6. काव्य (Kavya) – Poetry
7. कौशल्या (Kaushalya) – Skillful
8. कल्याणी (Kalyani) – Auspicious
9. करुणा (Karuna) – Compassion
10. कानन (Kanan) – Garden
11. कल्याण (Kalyan) – Welfare, Prosperity
12. कल्पतरू (Kalpataru) – Wish-fulfilling Tree
13. कैलास (Kailasa) – Abode of Lord Shiva
14. कर्मयोग (Karmayog) – Path of Action
15. करुणारस (Karunarasa) – Essence of Compassion
16. कर्मभूमि (Karmabhumi) – Land of Action
17. कुसुमिता (Kusumita) – Blossomed
18. कञ्ज (Kanja) – Lotus
19. कथा (Katha) – Story
20. कामधेनु (Kamdhenu) – Celestial Cow, Fulfiller of Wishes

Bungalow names starting with "L" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “L” in Marathi along with their meanings:

1. लक्ष्मी निवास (Lakshmi Nivas) – Abode of Lakshmi
2. लालित विलास (Lalit Vilas) – Beautiful Abode
3. लवकरच गृह (Lavkarach Gruh) – Home Soon
4. लोकप्रिय आवास (Lokpriya Avas) – Popular Residence
5. लांडमार्क (Landmark) – Landmark
6. लोकांतरी विलास (Lokantari Vilas) – Luxurious Abode
7. लय निवास (Laya Nivas) – Melodious Residence
8. लाभदायी गृह (Labhadayi Gruh) – Profitable Home
9. लोकप्रिय विला (Lokpriya Vila) – Popular Villa
10. लहरी विलास (Lahari Vilas) – Wave-like Abode
11. लोकमान्य गृह (Lokmanya Gruh) – Respected Home
12. लक्ष्य निवास (Lakshya Nivas) – Abode of Goals
13. लावण्य विलास (Lavanya Vilas) – Abode of Beauty
14. लोकप्रिय निवास (Lokpriya Nivas) – Popular Residence
15. लेखक विलास (Lekhak Vilas) – Author’s Abode
16. लोकोत्तर गृह (Lokottar Gruh) – Extraordinary Home
17. लोकाची गृह (Lokachi Gruh) – People’s Home
18. लोकशाही विलास (Lokshahi Vilas) – Abode of Democracy
19. लघुवीर गृह (Laghuvir Gruh) – Modest Home
20. लोकप्रिय निवास (Lokpriya Nivas) – Popular Residence

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Bungalow names starting with "M" in Marathi

Here are 20 Marathi bungalow names starting with ‘M’, along with their meanings:

1. मनीक: आत्मिक समृद्धि असलेली सुंदर गृहस्थाली.
2. माधवबाग: दिव्यतेच्या अनुभवाच्या स्थानांची खोली.
3. मयूरगृह: सुंदर मयूरांची शोभा असलेला गृह.
4. मानसपुष्प: चंद्रमय वातावरणातील सुंदर बगीचा.
5. मद्रासी निवास: मद्रासी संस्कृतीचा आवास.
6. मंदार आशियाना: सुंदर आश्रयाची जगा.
7. मृणालिनी प्रियंका: मृणालिनीच्या समृद्धित आलेला आवास.
8. मिथिलांचे निवास: मिथिलेची संस्कृतीचा घर.
9. महालक्ष्मी पाराग: समृद्ध आर्थिक आशीर्वादांनी आच्छादित गृह.
10. मनोहारी ग्रुह: हृदयाला आनंद देणारा आवास.
11. मधुमय विला: मधुपानाच्या सुखाने आवापलेला गृह.
12. मायूरी आकाशगंगा: मायूरीच्या सुंदर गणगाच्या संगमात स्थित गृह.
13. मनोहर निवास: आकर्षक आवास.
14. माधवी विला: माधवीच्या चारीत्र्याने नवलीन आवास.
15. मनोरमा निवास: आनंददायक आवास.
16. मोहिनी आश्रम: आकर्षक

17. मुक्तानंद पदार्थ: स्वतंत्र आनंदाच्या साथीचा आवास.
18. मायूरी निवास: मायूरांच्या सुंदर गृह.
19. मनोहार प्रियंका: हृदय आकर्षक आवास.
20. मौली गृह: देवी मौलीच्या आशियानेचा गृह.

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Bungalow names starting with "N" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “N” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

1. नवनिवास (Navanivas) – New Dwelling
2. निवासन (Nivasan) – Residence
3. नंदनवन (Nandanvan) – Beautiful Garden
4. निधिवास (Nidhivas) – Abode of Wealth
5. नगरी (Nagari) – City
6. नक्षत्र (Nakshatra) – Constellation
7. नवोदय (Navodaya) – New Dawn
8. नवागत (Navagat) – Newly Arrived
9. नवोन्मुख (Navonmukh) – Forward-Facing
10. नर्मदानंद (Narmadanand) – Bliss of Narmada River
11. नवतीर्थ (Navatirth) – New Sacred Place
12. नीरज (Niraj) – Lotus
13. नेहमी (Nehmi) – Always
14. नैसर्गिक (Naisargik) – Natural
15. नित्य (Nitya) – Eternal
16. नाविका (Navika) – Sailor
17. नर्मदा (Narmada) – Name of a River
18. नगद (Nagad) – Cash
19. नवली (Navali) – New Beginning
20. नित्यनंदन (Nityanandan) – Eternal Bliss

Bungalow names starting with "O" in Marathi

Here are 20 bungalow names starting with “O” in Marathi, along with their meanings:

Saif Ali Khan Case Investigation Documentary in Hindi

1. ओझस्पाद (Ojhaspaad) – Energetic Abode
2. ओंकार (Omkaar) – Sacred Sound
3. ओजस्वी (Ojasvi) – Radiant Residence
4. ओजस्विता (Ojasvita) – Brightness
5. ओजोवांश (Ojovansh) – Lineage of Energy
6. ओजोली (Ojoli) – Luminous Abode
7. ओजस्त्र (Ojashtra) – Weapon of Strength
8. ओंजस (Onjas) – Vitality
9. ओमिता (Omita) – Limitless Abode
10. ओजशक्ती (Ojashakti) – Power of Energy
11. ओंशक्रिया (Onshakriya) – Divine Action
12. ओंशील (Onshil) – Auspicious Residence
13. ओजोशक्ति (Ojoshakti) – Energy Power
14. ओंशोध (Onshodh) – Quest for Divinity
15. ओजास्वती (Ojasvati) – Brilliant Abode
16. ओंश्री (Onshree) – Divine Prosperity
17. ओजोतेजस (Ojotejas) – Glowing Brilliance
18. ओंशकार (Onshakar) – Sacred Melody
19. ओजनेह (Ojaneh) – Everlasting Splendor
20. ओंजयात्रा (Onjayatra) – Journey to Victory


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